此时的温莎哭的梨花带雨,我见犹怜,她还从未蒙受过如此大的屈辱,直到丁筱萌脱完她的袜子,她才注意到了一直在旁围观的利兹,情绪一下子激动起来,指着利兹哭喊道:“lizz!you actually help the chinese girl bully your classmate!you are the devil!(你居然帮着这个中国女孩儿欺负同班同学!你这个恶魔!)”
“emmm,i am so sorry。”利兹欲言又止,最后只能道歉。
良心发现的利兹没有再去理会丁筱萌,走到温莎面前将她搀扶起来,真诚道:“let me help you back to camp。(我扶你回营地吧。)”
就在这时,野外的各个区域突然响起了广播:“it is 6 o'clock in beijing time and the sky is going to darken.in order to speed up the competition process,we will announce the ranking of the participants' points。(现在是北京时间下午6点,天马上就要变暗了。为了加快比赛进程,我们将公布各位参赛者的积分排名。”